Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Well That's Something We Should Have to Remedy, Isn't It?

How do we fix the California education system? It's obvious that it's in dire need of fixing; but what's not obvious is what that fix is. Every gubernatorial candidate boasts of a government-led plan that, if elected, they will wield like Mjolnir to crush inefficient spending, low test scores, and expensive higher education. What none of these would-be Thors realize is that their solutions are actually the problem. In the words of Republican candidate Meg Whitman, the solution lies in directing "more money to the classroom," and every other candidate seems to concur. Libertarian Dale Ogden, however, understands the true nature of the beast. The cure for California's ailing education system is not in the form of government spending or, as Jerry Brown suggests, a persistent, "systematic approach." The flaw behind all of these myriad government policies is painfully obvious -- they're government policies. The true solution to fixing Californian education consists of nothing less than retroaction: as Ogden phrases it, "[getting] the State out of education." It consists of streamlining the education system at the state level by leaving the allocations of funds and resources to city and county legislatures. It consists of eliminating duplicative agencies and funding programs, as well as the multitudinous administrators assigned to said agencies. It consists of decentralizing the education system. But, ultimately, it consists of freedom. Freedom of parents to choose where they send their kids to school (no more gerrymandering of the school district lines); freedom of educators and students to mature, learn, apply, and act; and, most importantly, freedom of the people to choose a better future for themselves.

Jackson Reimers

1 comment:

  1. Isn't putting education into the responsibility of county and city governments simply putting another step between the schools and their money? Much of the money for counties and cities come from the budget the state gives them, and its still government regulation, regardless of how low down the totem pole that government happens to be
